Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The international community has recalled the importance of quality basic education and vocational training. Quality basic and vocational education is central to improving the lives of individuals, communities and society as a whole. Goal 4 builds on the lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). According to this, in addition to primary education for all children, it should be ensured that basic education and vocational training are coordinated. Equal access to education and quality of education according to the lifelong learning approach is another focus of Goal 4: a dimension that has been neglected by the MDGs.
Goal 4 calls for access to quality basic education and vocational training for all, children, youth, adults and especially the poorest and most disadvantaged. This should be geared to their individual needs and living environment. In this way, education should contribute to a safe, sustainable and interdependent world.
Switzerland has comparative advantages in terms of its systems of vocational training (dual vocational training) and basic education (decentralised administration, passerelles, multilingualism). Through its commitment, Switzerland promotes access to quality basic education for all and coordination between basic education, vocational training and socio-professional integration, thereby contributing to economic and social development.