Vögeli creates online store for sustainable print products


Langnau BE – The Vögeli print shop has set up an online store where smaller print products can be ordered on the most sustainable papers. Vögeli is able to offer the Cradle to Cradle-certified stationery, flyers and business cards available there at a lower price thanks to the collective production.

Vögeli AG Marketingproduktion & Druck now offers an online store. The Emmental-based print shop aims to simplify access to 100% sustainably produced print products with Cradle to Cradle certification.

“We have noticed,” says owner and managing director Renato Vögeli, “that there is sometimes a reluctance to come to us when it comes to simple printed matter that you would rather produce cheaply”. Some of the customers ordered “the high-quality and important things like their company magazine or annual report from us. But the less important, smaller things like a flyer, a card or stationery and business cards were ordered somewhere online.”

However, since nature does not care whether it is an important means of communication for a company or just a small, unimportant order, Vögeli has created this offer. In doing so, the company is able to make collected productions through a limited range and a limited paper selection, which nevertheless includes the most sustainable papers. This makes it possible to sell products more cheaply in the online store.

The printing company is the first in Switzerland to offer Cradle to Cradle-certified printed matter. When it was certified with the Cradle to Cradle Gold Standard in 2019, it was the first in the world to be awarded this label. In an explanatory video, Vögeli demonstrates that with paper certified in this way, not only 70 percent of the pulp, but also the 30 percent of the otherwise toxic slag from inks and additives can be recycled and even used as fertilizer. ce/mm