NRP 73 Podcast | Voluntary environmental initiatives in the private sector

Progress toward a sustainable economy requires major changes on both the producer and consumer sides. To what extent do voluntary environmental protection measures by companies support this change and how are they perceived by the Swiss population? Barbara Dubach talks to Thomas Bernauer about the positive effects of voluntary measures and what else one should strive for besides environmental protection measures.

Publication of this podcast on private sector voluntary environmental initiatives is courtesy of NRP 73.

The series “Sustainable Economy” is a podcast of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) that provides access to the findings of the National Research Programme “Sustainable Economy: resource-efficient, sustainable, innovative”(NRP 73). In each episode, Barbara Dubach, Head of Knowledge Transfer for NFP 73, speaks with renowned researchers who have worked on one of 29 research projects. In less than 20 minutes, listeners will receive evidence-based, actionable facts for the shift to a sustainable economy.