Lausanne – Cleantech start-up INERGIO has launched the first pilot project for its solid oxide fuel cells with a major customer in 2023. In 2024, INERGIO is planning further milestones for the commercialization of its mobile and stationary systems, which can be operated with any fuel source.
INERGIO intends to overcome some of the final hurdles to the market launch of its flexible fuel cell system this year. The cleantech start-up was founded in 2020 as a spin-off of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne(EPFL) and the School of Engineering and Business of the Canton of Vaud(HEIG-VD).
INERGIO’s clean, quiet, portable and efficient power generators are based on innovative solid oxide fuel cells. They can run on a variety of fuels, including hydrogen, methane, propane and biogas.
According to INERGIO, the miniaturized power plant increases autonomy by a factor of 10 compared to conventional power supplies and reduces space requirements by 90 percent. The range of applications extends from devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) in off-grid regions to consumer electronics, autonomous robots and automobiles to emergency power supplies for companies.
According to its co-founder and CEO Dr. Mahmoud Hadad, the young company was able to secure funding of CHF 2 million last year, as well as funding from the EU project development funds Eurostar and Horizon. In 2024, the mobile power supply system (50 to 500 watts) will go into field testing “and thus take the final step towards commercialization of the product”. As soon as the results are available, the process for CE certification will be started.
The first batch of ten to 20 units will also be delivered this year. In Austria, an emergency power system (2.5 kilowatts) powered by wood pellets will be presented together with corporate partners. And finally, the next financing round will be initiated. Their target is between 3 and 5 million francs. ce/mm