Bern – The Federal Council has adopted a mission statement and objectives for its future strategy for hydrogen as an energy source. This should create the framework for hydrogen to contribute to a fossil-free energy supply. Among other things, international cooperation should secure imports.
The Federal Council has defined the framework for the development of conditions and infrastructure that favors the emerging market for hydrogen. As a fossil-free energy source, hydrogen is intended to support the energy transition in Switzerland by 2050, according to a press release.
The Federal Council expects demand from Switzerland to remain low until the mid-2030s, even if the industry has not yet provided any reliable information on future demand. Until then, the demand for hydrogen and gaseous or liquid energy carriers produced on the basis of hydrogen, such as synthetic methane or methanol, known as power-to-X derivatives, can mainly be covered by domestic production. This is to be promoted for six years via the Climate and Innovation Act.
According to the Federal Council, hydrogen can be produced at existing power plants or close to customers who use the hydrogen directly on site or transport it onwards. Hydrogen will be transported in converted or newly built gas pipelines as well as by road and rail. The transportation and distribution infrastructure in Europe is expected to be developed in such a way that imports to Switzerland will be possible from 2035.
In addition to domestic production and storage, connection to the European hydrogen transportation network should be ensured and imports strengthened through international cooperation and partnerships. The development of a domestic hydrogen market requires close cooperation between industry, the federal government, cantons, cities and municipalities. It is therefore also recommended that the cantons develop their own hydrogen strategies. ce/mm